Some Notable Events
Apafi Manor the setting for award winning film "Malmkrog"
1st March 2020

At the 2020 Berlin International Film Festival, the award for Best Director in the Encounters Competition went to Cristi Puiu for his film "Malmkrog". The film is based on a text by Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov and is described as a global journey through history, a tour de force of thought. It was entirely shot in and around the Apafi Manor.
After filming had completed the Manor's library was left in a state of disarray. We are truly grateful to Dr Daniels, Professor Mark Almond and David Campbell of Everyman Books who, along with Mary Walsh and Jessica Douglas-Home, in a space of just 3 days put all the books back into their original order.
July 2018
Peter Ash, conductor of the London Schools Symphony Orchestra
The MET was delighted to welcome this remarkable orchestra, which came to Mălâncrav in July 2018. The hundred strong group of young players was led by their conductor Peter Ash. They spent a day working and playing with village dancers and musicians who were under the guidance of Andrea Rost. In the evening they gave a concert at the Apafi Manor which included: - Faure's Pelleas et Melisande Suite Op 80, Conductors Lucas Boardman and Pooja Low - Debussy's Premiere Rhapsodie, Clarinet Soloist - James Garagnon - Conductor Hugo Williams - Traditional Saxon Dance Music (arr. John Kirby), Marsch, Jungsachsisch and Neppendorfer Landler II Conductors - John Nation, Tanner Hatzmann and Archie Young-Lee
2022 Transylvanian Book Festival in Richis

Once again MET will be pleased to support the Book Festival in Richis, which this year is between 15th - 18th September 2022.
This year’s festival is looking forward to welcoming best-selling authors, British and Romanian poets and historians, renowned academics and exciting performers from Romania, the UK and beyond. Emerging, we hope, from the uncertainties of the pandemic, our theme will be a reflective one: Looking Forward by Looking Back.
For information about 2022 Festival:
Click here